Sunday, November 25, 2012

one word

Think of one word to describe yourself.... Go ahead! Don't be afraid to actually say the first word that comes to mind! Now, is that a positive word? If so, great! I am so glad that you have truly found who you are and that you are happy!! :) If your word wasn't positive, then ask yourself why? Why do I see myself they way? What is keeping me from seeing myself positively? Far too often friends, we don't like who we are. Yet the best part of life is that we can change who we are! We don't have to be defined by our past. We can define our future and that is all that counts. Stop dwelling in the past and focus on right now. Let your past strengthen you so that you can strengthen others! If you have read a previous post of mine, then you probably already know this but if you haven't then there is something you should know about me.... I am a victim of abuse. It's true. Not a lot of people know this about me. I like to think that it is because I don't carry it around like a burden. I don't let it define who I am but i have let it give me strength. By knowing that I have made it this far with the help of God, I know that I can do anything through Christ that gives me strength! I try to tell my story to those who need to hear it most to show them that they can survive. I have let go of all of the baggage and I am now living my life freely. I no longer get upset when it comes up, instead I share so that others can be encouraged. Right now, I am me and I am the best me that I can be! And you are the best you that you can be!! So think back to my first request of you.... What is one word that you would choose to describe yourself? Don't let what you have done inspire your thought on this word. Instead, think of right now.... Just one word can say thousands.  

Monday, November 19, 2012


Did you know that you are BEAUTIFUL?! Well you are!! Everyone is wonderfully and fearfully made. To say that you are ugly is to say that the Mona Lisa is ugly. You were thought out when God made you, you were not just slapped together. Just as Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa with care and effort, God created you. To call His creation worthless, ugly, disgusting.... and the list goes on.... is to call God those things. As an artist, i put a little of myself into everything I do creatively, whether that be acting (my favorite!!), photography, singing, or painting, a little bit of myself is laid out there for everyone to see and I allow the audience to decide if they like it or not and I let them choose why they like it. If I were to say that my work is not good, I am calling the audience that likes it stupid. I am demeaning them by saying that they like things that are not good and they should not be liked. Far too often we look at ourselves and only see our flaws. We never see the true beauty that shines through. That little light inside of you can be ignited if you fan its flames and encourage yourself. And by encouraging yourself, I mean be encouraged in the Lord! He can completely flip the way you see yourself because you see that He loves your heart, not your face or your body. He sees the true you! He sees all of your flaws, but He still loves you, no matter what! I just wanted to share this with you so that you know you are BEAUTIFUL! I love you but more importantly God loves you!! :)   

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My Shoes....

So right now i have on these ratty, dirty, old pair of shoes. I just thought about how you can tell so much about a person just from their shoes. Not just the style or color of them but even the condition of them. My shoes that I have on right now have been through A LOT!! They used to be white, but not anymore. I have worn them on many mission trips and they have held up. They tell a story and serve as a reminder of everything i have done. I wore them on an impact weekend and I helped clean a woman's house. They got dirty and soaking wet. I wore them again to a mission trip in West Virginia. did you know that they don't have dirt there?! Its ALL clay and clay does NOT come out.... but i remember playing with kids and running around with them while wearing them. The best memory of all that i have while wearing these shoes was still in West Virginia.I climbed a mountain and stood under a waterfall. It was so beautiful and a moment in my life that I will never forget! Shoes are a big thing with me.... if you know me, you know that I LOVE shoes!! I have over 100 pairs!! They are my favorite article of clothing!! I can spend hours in a shoe store.... yes I live a sad life!! haha But that's just who I am and I just love that fact that a pair of shoes, what so many people overlook, can say everything about a person. It says how hard they work, how they view the world around them and even their hobbies. I just wanted to point this out and next time, look at a person's shoes. They can teach you a lot!! :)